One-by-One, I stole this from you.
7 things you can do:-Type 65 wpm (I give my IM friends headaches)
-Speak Spanish and French
-Write HTML
-Cut Hair
-Get my children to go to sleep without having to bribe them
-Give advice and actually take it myself
7 things you cannot do:-Stop cursing
-Keep my opinions to myself
-Drive 5-speed
-Roller Skate or Ice Skate
-Stop shopping on eBay
-Stay mad at my husband for more than 1 day
7 things that attract you to other people:-Nice, thick eyebrows
-Big, strong, hard working hands
-Super short hair or none at all (think Locke from LOST, or even Jack for that matter - yum)
-Long Hair (think Bo Bice, American Idol)
-Big white straight smile
-Attitude - not a bad one, but you have to catch my attention somehow
7 things that you say most often:-Oh Shoot
-What are you doing?
-Christian, NO!
-Charisma, NO!
-C'mon guys, mommy's tired!
-I love you
7 celebrity crushes:-Jared Leto
-Ryan Reynolds
-Johnny Depp
-Clive Owen
-Michael Vartan
-Roy Dupuis
-Claudia Black
5 Songs I know all the words to:- 2+2=5 - Radiohead
- Freaks of the Industry - Digital Underground
- My mind is playing tricks on me - Ghetto Boys
- We belong together - Mariah Carey
- Tortura - Shakira
5 Snacks:- Hot Cheetos
- Plain Popcorn with Louisianna Hot Sauce
- Sunflower seeds
- Wheat Thins
- Cinnamon Bun Pop Tarts
5 Places I'd run away to:- Puerto Rico
- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Pensacola, Florida
- St. Avold, France
- Hawaii
6 Favorite TV shows (CURRENTLY AIRING)...- Veronica Mars
- Lost
- Desperate Housewives
- Gilmore Girls
- Reunion
- Prison Break